02 Apr Baby C’s Journey

My second surrogacy journey began in 2016. This time everything went pretty smoothly! We got pregnant on the first transfer with a beautiful looking embryo. All my clinic monitoring went well and I was released to my OB. Then we hit week 13, and we all got scared, I was hemorrhaging. I thought for sure I had lost the baby. I was wrong. Apparently, it’s quite common to have this happen with IVF babies, but I had no idea. After that scare was over, and all the month to month monitoring was over, I delivered a healthy full term baby boy into the arms of his parents.
Baby C was born on February 11th, 2017. He weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz., and measured 19 inches. It was because of his mother, a Reproductive Endocrinologist by profession, that I decided to start helping fertility challenged couples achieve their goal of becoming parents in a different way. She put the idea in my head and we went from there. Starting a surrogacy agency was a dream I can now call a reality, and surrogacy brought me here.
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